The COVID-19 pandemic is creating stress for the global population. Empty store shelves, fear about the disease, and quarantine or self-isolation can negatively impact anxiety and depression. The mental health implications of these unprecedented situations will impact everyone differently, leading clinical psychologists to offer a guide on how to support and manage ones mental health and that of others during the year 2021. 

Our day-to-day life looks very different than it did a year ago and relaxing may seem more difficult today than it was before our lives became consumed by COVID-19. Everyone has been impacted by this in some way and taking care of your mental health is more important now than ever.  

Here are 5 things on how to cope up with anxiety and depression during the pandemic 2021:

Filter news and social media

Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including those on social media. It’s good to be informed, but hearing about the pandemic constantly can be upsetting. Consider limiting news to just a couple of times a day and disconnecting from phone, tv, and computer screens for a while. Constant news about the pandemic can feel relentless and may exacerbate existing mental health problems. Be careful about the balance of watching important news and the news that could cause you to feel depressed and disrupt your mental health. 

Connect with your loved ones

Living in these virtual times makes connecting with your loved ones easier than ever. Whether it’s a phone call or video chat, taking some time to talk to the people close to your heart can be a good feeling that can help you from being sad and wary due to your anxiety and depression. Talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling, you may find that they are feeling the same way. Talking it out can be beneficial for both of you. 

Get a workout in

Physical health is not just good for your body, it is also great for your mind. Even when the gyms are closed as of the year 2021 there are still plenty of options to get a workout in. Some options include taking a walk around your neighborhood, going for a bike ride, or using free resources and workouts online. The most important thing is getting your body moving, which will help you keep a positive mindset. 

Take time to relax

Have you ever wanted to learn a new language? Do you have gardening goals you have been wanting to achieve? Do you want to finish a book you’ve been putting off for months? It is so important for you to set time aside for yourself right now. Be sure to devote some time to unwind and do something you enjoy or have been putting off for months.

Get therapeutic sleep

Ninety percent of depressed people struggle with sleep, which is likely to increase with fear over the coronavirus. Good quality sleep is a form of overnight therapy and increases the chance of handling strong emotions effectively. Try to wake and go to bed at the same time every day whilst achieving eight hours of sleep, taking a hot bath, setting the bedroom temperature to 18C, and having no screen time two hours before bedtime will also help.

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